The long game - working towards better environmental outcomes
The Mangatangi Maramarua Catchment – where farmers and communities work together towards improved freshwater and environmental outcomes.
Better Together
We are a vibrant farming community group dedicated to maintaining and improving our part of New Zealand for future generations. Our main focus is enhancing water quality, biodiversity, and pest and predator control, ensuring a thriving environment for all to enjoy, work, and live in. We identify and work with experts, agencies, and organisations to build our knowledge and capabilities to help address environmental challenges within our unique landscape.
"Catchment groups are New Zealand’s best opportunity in a generation to make progress on improving our waterways, and native biodiversity on farm."
- Dairy nz
Our Environment
At its heart, the Mangatangi Maramarua Catchment is a community-led group that recognises the importance of collective effort over individual action. Learn about our catchment area’s biodiversity, water quality, and pest control measures.
Our Catchment
Our catchment is defined by the rivers and streams that flow within its 19,500 hectares. It lies at the foothills of the Hunua Ranges, a 250 square kilometre mountain range which is home to 14,000 hectares of native forest and is bordered by the Firth of Thames to the east and the Whangamarino Wetland to the West. Whangamarino is an internationally recognised wetland (Ramsar site) and the second largest in the North Island.

The area comprises of pastoral farmland, extensive native bush, pine forests, wetlands, waterfalls, streams, and rivers. The catchment supports a variety of native birds and plant species. The rivers and streams are home to an array of native species, while the wetlands provide a crucial habitat for birds and plants.
Water Quality

Pest Control
Effective pest and predator management is a key component for maintaining the health of our biodiversity. We conduct pest surveys of the area, designed to inform and develop a catchment-wide pest strategy. Understanding the level of pests within the catchment is key to understanding the level of threat they pose.
"I am the environment, the environment is me."
- Mangatangi Maramarua Catchment
Latest News
August-September Newsletter 2024
Many of us are heading towards the end of the calving season, and the grass is growing well. It may be just the moment to think of planting the veggie garden.Â
June-July Newsletter 2024
Welcome to the Mangatangi Maramarua Catchment newsletter. Thank you to all who completed our recent survey; we appreciate your feedback.
March-April Newsletter 2024
Consistent, community-wide pest and predator control is widely regarded as one of the most effective methods for suppressing predators and improving biodiversity